Divorce & Family Law

How Are Pensions Split in Divorce?

All dissolution of marriage cases involve dividing your marital estate. The impact of that division may affect you for years to come. That’s why our Illinois divorce attorneys work diligently to consider every aspect of your financial profile—including pensions. Like other marital assets, pensions will be divided during divorce and…

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Child Endangerment: You Don’t Have to Face it Alone

Getting a divorce is a difficult and emotional process. When a child is involved, the process can be even more emotionally taxing, as many of the issues in a divorce affect the entire family, children included. A parent’s great joy is their child, and their worst nightmare is their child’s…

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How Long Will Zoom Court Last in Illinois?

By Martin Sliwinski, Divorce and Family Law Attorney Most non-hearing and non-trial family court dates in Illinois are still currently taking place on Zoom. This helps eliminate difficulties of having to drive to the courthouse or arrange for childcare. For these reasons and more, Zoom makes it easier for a…

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Do I Need Discernment Counseling?

By Joshua E. Stern, Principal and Managing Partner, Divorce and Family Law Attorney Frequently, new clients reach out to me with the same question: how do I tell my spouse that I want a divorce? If your spouse isn’t aware you’re unhappy with your marriage, bringing up such a big…

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