
My Divorce Was Just Finalized. What’s Next?

By Amy Silberstein, Divorce and Family Law Attorney You just received your Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage. What now? Before you throw it in a filing cabinet never to be looked at again, it’s important to prepare a few additional things first. Although negotiations have ended and you and your…

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Transmutation of Assets in a High Net Worth Divorce

By Joshua Stern, Divorce and Family Law Attorney There is an adage that tells us it’s not what we earn that matters, it’s what we save. Unfortunately, in the world of divorce, the adage gets a bit more complicated. It’s not what you earn that matters, it’s how you save….

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How do I fill out a financial affidavit properly?

By Evan Compton, Divorce and Family Law Attorney In nearly every domestic relations case that involves financials, one form exists to rule them all: the financial affidavit. Maybe your attorney has just handed this blank document to you, or the Judge has just ordered the parties to complete them. Either…

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I Think My Spouse Is Hiding Money

Financial transparency is essential in a divorce. Without a complete accounting of all of the parties’ debts and assets, a court cannot properly divide the marital estate. You can’t split what you don’t know exists. The same logic applies to hidden income. It becomes much harder to calculate an appropriate…

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Why Business Owners Should Sign a Prenup Before Marrying

Property acquired before marriage is typically one party’s non-marital property. So, if someone starts a company before getting married, the business should be considered non-marital property. Simple. Right? Yes, in a textbook sense. In the real world, however, that is not always the case. Divorcing spouses may seek repayment for…

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