Divorce & Family Law

Dividing Student Loans in Divorce

By Marvin Mendez, Divorce and Family Law Attorney While several of us have hoped for the nationwide cancellation of student loans, we realistically cannot count on any significant cancellation any time soon. And if you’re in the process of divorcing someone with significant student loan debt, it’s normal to be…

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How to Decide Summertime Parenting Schedules

By Joshua E. Stern, Divorce and Family Law Attorney After the school year winds to a close for families across Chicago and the suburbs, our team sees countless parents performing balancing acts: trying to maintain work schedules, spend time with their kids, ensure the kids have a fun summer, and…

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The Trend Away from the “Every Other Weekend” Parent

By Amy Silberstein, Divorce and Family Law Attorney Traditionally, when two parents got a divorce or were never married, and one parent had less parenting time than the other, the parent with the lesser amount of parenting time only was awarded every other weekend, sometimes with a weeknight overnight or…

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5 Tips for Dealing with a Difficult Co-Parent

By Evan Compton, Divorce and Family Law Attorney Your relationship and ability to interact amicably with your former spouse is one of the greatest indicators of how your divorce case will unfold. Unfortunately, many of our clients at Stern Perkoski Mendez face conflict with their spouse during and after divorce—especially…

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