Divorce & Family Law

What’s Wrong With Celebrity Divorce Lists?

By Joshua E. Stern Every so often, a website or newspaper will post a list of the most expensive divorces.  There’s usually a picture, a two-sentence blurb about how long the couple were married and why they got divorced, and then an eye-popping figure.  Michael and Junita Jordan?  Their divorce…

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Court Ordered College Contributions And Academic Performance

I came across this article in the New York Times titled “Parents’ Financial Support May Not Help College Grades” and immediately thought of Section 513 of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. That’s the funny thing about the law: it tends to pop up everywhere you look. So, what…

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Strategies For Conflict Resolution In Divorce And Family Law

By Joshua E. Stern I’ve been working on compiling a guide to conflict resolution in divorce and family law cases and I came across the Wholistic Stress Control Institute’s “10 Strategies For Conflict Resolution.”  I must admit, I had never head of the organization prior to finding this list.  In…

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Our Family Wizard

By Joshua E. Stern I don’t do a lot of product promotion on this site (and I never will) because family law is an inherently personal practice area.  People feel vulnerable and the legal process can overwhelm them at times.  The last thing anyone needs is a suggestion that he…

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Companion Post to Chicago Family LawCast on Financial Disclosures

By Joshua E. Stern I recommend anyone reading this post to listen to the Chicago Family LawCast installment on financial disclosures. This is more of a supplement. In Cook County, Illinois, financial disclosures are governed by Cook County Rules 13.3.1 and 13.3.2.  Your family law attorney will know them well.  In…

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