Divorce & Family Law

Is A Collaborative Divorce Right For You?

By Nancy Stingle Perkoski Most people believe there is no escaping a costly contentious divorce. There is an alternative. A collaborative divorce is a method of obtaining a divorce that allows both parties to negotiate all of the terms of a financial settlement and a parenting settlement without the need…

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Do Children Have A Say In Parenting Schedules?

By Evan Compton Parents want their children to feel empowered to make decisions and to feel autonomous in their lives.  So when two parents are divorcing, it should be a no-brainer that the child should have a say in who they spend more time with, right?  Well, the answer to…

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What Role Do Divorce Lawyers Play In Mediation?

By Joshua E. Stern I’m a big believer in mediation for divorce and family law issues. When mediation works, the benefits are readily apparent. Mediation is confidential, non-evidentiary, and has the potential to reduce conflict in a divorce. It helps families transition into new relationships in a safe and collaborative…

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Should I Return My Engagement Ring?

By Evan Compton Picture the movie breakup where the once soon-to-be-wife slowly and dramatically hands over the engagement ring, thus, dashing the dreams of happily-ever-after.  Except we all know real life rarely reflects the movies. In real life, whether it’s yourself or your ex, no one may think about the…

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Your Student’s Right to Special Education and Accommodation in Illinois

By Nancy Perkoski Depending on your child’s needs, he or she may have rights to special accommodations under Illinois Law. It’s always best to consult with a professional regarding your specific concerns. However, the below is a helpful guide and reference point for some of the available accommodations. Individual Education…

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