Divorce & Family Law

Grandparent Visitation in Illinois

By Evan Compton, Divorce and Family Law Attorney When a couple with children goes through a divorce, parenting time and decision-making authority are two of the biggest concerns. Depending on how the marriage is dissolved, it’s possible that other relationships in the children’s lives will be affected—including those with their…

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My Divorce Was Just Finalized. What’s Next?

By Amy Silberstein, Divorce and Family Law Attorney You just received your Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage. What now? Before you throw it in a filing cabinet never to be looked at again, it’s important to prepare a few additional things first. Although negotiations have ended and you and your…

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How Long Will Illinois Courts Be on Zoom?

By Martin Sliwinski, Divorce and Family Law Attorney The Court’s use of Zoom reached the public eye in the past year—and not always for the right reasons. In February, an attorney appeared on Zoom with a filter that turned his entire face into a cat, causing him to famously proclaim…

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Child Relocation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Marvin Mendez, Divorce and Family Law Attorney Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and increased remote work possibilities, we’ve seen a much higher volume of child relocation cases come through our office. The unique circumstances caused by the pandemic have led parents to seek lower cost of living,…

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How a Collaborative Divorce Protects Your Children

By Nancy Stingle Perkoski, Divorce and Family Law Attorney When a parent calls my office inquiring about a collaborative divorce, they almost always want to know if it is a better option for their children than a traditional divorce through litigation. And many times, the answer is yes. The cooperative,…

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For a free consultation, call Stern Perkoski Mendez at (847) 868-9584 or contact us.